Thank you to our CLA/CLF for another great auction! With all the unusual circumstances going on in the world, the CLF Annual Auction was every bit of a success!!
Thank you to all who helped with the 2020 Live Auction; the Live Auction Staff, CLA Office Staff, Cowan’s Auction Staff, bidders/buyers, and most importantly the CLA members who put their time, effort and hard work into the items for the auction!!
We are gearing up for our 25th Anniversary Live Auction coming in 2021!!
Thanks to these artists for their generous donations.
Remember them when you need something you can’t live without.
• Heinz Ahlers • Darrell Brandenburg • Tony Chase • Mike Conkling • Carl Dumke • Jerry Eitnier • Jeff Gier • Benjamin Hoffman • Carrie Jessen • Jeff (Po-Boy) Luke • Rob Park • Linda Prichard • Barb Smith • Troy Sowers • Bob Browder • Shelly Williams (Gier) • Matt Wulff • Todd Butler • Verlin Cossel • Adam Daub • Albert Emanuel • Simeon England • Mike Miller • Kyle Willyard • Lawrence Fiorillo • Todd Hambrick • Casey McClure • Maria Freed • James Frost • Mike Small • Billy Griner • Ron Hess • Chad Matthews • GJ (Gary) Tingler • Doug Warren • Djuana Tucker • Dennis Kelley • Scott Summerville • Henry Bowman •Travis Bauer • Joe D Baxter • Calvin Tanner • Cory Jo Stewart • Rick Lorenzen • Jack Weeks • Greg Bray • Louise Hess •
Early 19th Century Hunting Pouch Set By Lawrence Fiorillo, Todd Hambrick, Casey McClure
EARLY 19TH CENTURY HUNTING POUCH SET By Lawrence Fiorillo, Todd Hambrick, Casey McClure Dimensions: 8 ½” wide x 9” high By Heinz Ahlers Photography by H. David Wright Lawrence Fiorillo, Todd Hambrick and Casey McClure have donated this great looking Hunting set with a homespun air to this year’s auction. Created around a bark tanned, [...]
Bag and Horn Set by: Jeff Luke
BAG AND HORN SET by Jeff Luke Bag size: Height 10” Width 7 ½” Powder horn: 13” Outside curve By Joshua Shepherd Photography by H. David Wright Whether they’re carried afield for a day’s hunt or hung as period décor in your home, few period crafts exude the alure of the early frontier as well [...]
Hunting Pouch Set by Calvin Tanner, Ron Hess and Louise Hess
HUNTING POUCH SET By Calvin Tanner, Ron Hess and Louise Hess Pouch: 7” X 8 1/2” Powder horn: Length 12“ Butt dia. 2 ½“ By Heinz Ahlers Photography by H. David Wright The design of the pouch was inspired by an existing 18th century pouch. Calvin feels the set is one that represents a common [...]
Hunting Bag and Knife by Gary Tingler and Casey McClure
HUNTING BAG AND KNIFE by Gary Tingler and Casey McClure Bag: 8 1/2" wide by 9 1/2" deep. Patch knife 9" long. By Heinz Ahlers Photography by H. David Wright Gary Tingler and Casey McClure have created a this simple but extraordinarily well made hunting bag and knife set. The bag is made of a [...]
Horn Spoon & Stand by Henry Bowman
HORN SPOON & STAND Length: 8 ½” By Henry Bowman By Heinz Ahlers Photography by H. David Wright The horn spoon donated to this year’s CLF fundraising auction by artist Henry Bowman is a unique work of art that’s sure to grace any collection of early American collectibles. “The inspiration for this piece,” explains the [...]
Long Knife by Adam Daub
LONG KNIFE Length: 15 ½” Blade: 10 ½” By Adam Daub By Heinz Ahlers Photography by H. David Wright Any knife maker will tell you, the longer the blade, the more care you have to take at every step in the process. Forging, hardening, tempering need all to be right on to avoid cracks, warps, [...]
Pipe Tomahawk by Simeon England, Mike Miller, and Kyle Willyard
PRESENTATION PIPE TOMAHAWK Length 21 1/2" Head 5 1/2" tall. By Simeon England, Mike Miller, and Kyle Willyard By Heinz Ahlers Photography by H. David Wright The name tomahawk is a combination of tribal and English words. Algonquin and Lenape peoples called their lightweight axes "tamahak," "tamahakan" European Americans pronounced these words as "tomahawk." They [...]
Rifleman’s Knife by Todd Butler
RIFLEMAN’S KNIFE by Todd Butler By Joshua Shepherd Photography by David Wright Collectors of fine knives just can’t seem to acquire too many blades, but it’s a rare thing indeed for a knife to perfectly blend artistic aesthetics with rugged functionality. At this year’s CLF fundraising auction, bidders will have the opportunity to purchase a [...]
Tavern Smoker’s Companion by Greg Bray
TAVERN SMOKER’S COMPANION By Greg Bray Size: 14” x 5” By Joshua Shepherd Photography by H. David Wright Despite the fact that the habit of smoking tobacco has largely fallen out of favor in modern America, the practice was ubiquitous in colonial America. From the drawing rooms of Philadelphia to the farthest reaches of the [...]
Northwest Trade Gun by Doug Warren
NORTHWEST TRADE GUN by Doug Warren By Joshua Shepherd Photography by H. David Wright Classic firearms from America’s past are naturally at the heart of the modern Longrifle Culture. Collectors at this year’s CLF fundraising auction will have the opportunity to acquire a truly iconic weapon that saw broad use across the early American frontier: [...]
Heart of the Hearth Original Painting by Maria Freed
HEART OF THE HEARTH ORIGINAL PAINTING by Maria Freed by Joshua Shepherd Photography by H. David Wright Examples of traditional fine art appear at the annual CLF fundraising auction only occasionally. For this year’s event, artist Maria Freed has contributed a lovely original painting for the benefit of the Contemporary Longrifle Association. Freed’s original painting, [...]
Colonial Fowler by James Frost & Powder Horn by Mike Small
COLONIAL FOWLER by James Frost POWDER HORN by Mike Small By Joshua Shepherd Photography by David Wright When it comes to sheer versatility in the field, few period firearms can compare to the smooth bore fowler. Capable of taking a wide spectrum of wild game, fowlers saw extensive use in early America as humble meat [...]
Quilled Hat Band by Djuana Tucker
QUILLED HAT BAND by Djuana Tucker By Joshua Shepherd Photography by Lon Brauer During the 18th and 19th centuries, no self-respecting gentleman, or scoundrel, for that matter would consider venturing into public without a hat. For the modern-day frontiersman headed for the range, the rendezvous, or the woods, that hasn’t changed. For those hoping [...]
The Scout Set
THE SCOUT SET By Joshua Shepherd Photography by H. David Wright At its core, the Contemporary Longrifle Association is a community of collaborative artists who share an enthusiasm for early American heritage. For this year’s fundraising auction, Shelly Gier organized an effort by a score of CLA artists to produce “The Scout Set”, a truly [...]
Fishing Themed Powder Horn & Bait Horn Set by Albert Emanuel
Powder Horn length: 9 1/4" Bait Horn length 4 1/2" Hunting and fishing are twin pursuits that have shaped outdoor life throughout American history. For this year's CLF fundraising auction, Arizona artist Albert "Ace" Emanuel has crafted a stunning pair of horns that will be useful on the hunt or by the lake. Emanuel's powder [...]
Longhunters Knife by Chad Matthews
LONGHUNTERS KNIFE by Chad Matthews Length: 13 1/2” Blade: 8 3/4” By Heinz Ahlers Photography by H. David Wright The CLF is proud to present this classically styled long hunters knife by Chad Matthews. The carbon steel blade is combined with a classic s shaped cross guard and bolster. Both are also of carbon steel. [...]
Woodbury School Belt Knife & Sheath by Verlin Cossel
Length: 10 1/2" Verlin Cossel forged this dandy belt knife in the Woodbury tradition. It feature a 6 2/8 inch blade carefully forged out of 1095 carbon steel. The blade has dual touch marks and a nice aged finish. A poured pewter bolster and a coin silver butt cap secure the antler handle to the [...]
Southern Banded Horn by Billy Griner
Length: 11 1/2" outside curve A reliable powder horn is a necessity for the blackpowder shooter, and this year’s CLF fundraising auction features a truly exceptional example of the horner’s craft by artist Billy Griner. Griner’s donation is a quintessential example of the southern banded horn. “This particular horn,” explains the artist, “is a contemporary [...]
Kings Mountain Bag and Horn by Jack Weeks and Rick Lorenzen
Hunting Bag - 8 inch X 9 inch, Horn 16 inches on outside curve Jack Weeks and Rick Lorenzen have assembled a rig typical of those used by American Patriots that hailed from the back country settlements in Virginia, North Carolina, and what is now Kentucky and Tennessee. These "Over mountain Men" from the western [...]
18th Century Folding Knife by Scott Summerville
Length: Open - 9” Closed 5” Whether you’re headed to the backcountry for an 18th century trek or bound for a desk job in the big city, a reliable pocket knife is a gentleman’s necessity. Perennial auction supporter Scott Summerville has once again generously donated a top-quality reproduction folding knife for this year’s CLF fundraising [...]
Woodbury Style Knife by Heinz Ahlers
Length: 11 ¾”. Blade, 7 ¼” A razor-sharp blade fitted with an antler handle remains not only a practical tool for the modern outdoorsman, but an iconic symbol of America’s frontier past. Bidders at this year’s CLF fundraising auction will have the opportunity to own a truly classic example of the frontier belt knife by [...]
Flintlock Pistol by Dennis Kelley
Every black powder hunter has a dream of owning a flintlock pistol. This beautiful maple stocked, iron mounted, flintlock pistol by Dennis Kelley will make that dream come true. With this flintlock, Dennis’s has captured an outstanding style that is associated with the traditional style of an American made flintlock pistol. His attention to detail, [...]
Classic Frontier Hunting Pouch with Powder Horn by Cory Stewart
Cory has provided to the CLF a wonderful frontier style hunting pouch that has an adjustable cloth strap complete with hand stitched leather holding an iron buckle. The pouch comes with a powder horn that has a filed antler spout and a plug that is decorated with brass tacks. This hunting pouch is an essential [...]