Native American Style Bag by Robert Pawling
Robert Pawling is a CLA artisan specializing in dyed porcupine quill embroidery of many kinds done on braintanned deerskins to produce 18th C. Northeast Native accoutrements.
Bob has extended his style a bit in keeping with this years auction theme of westward expansion. Bob has produced a bag like the indians of the western plains and mountains were producing in the period of early contact. This bag has quillwork in the Wabanaki style of the upper Northeast Saint Lawrence region. The style was used by the Abenaki Indians and spread west with voyageurs and the fur trade. It would be appropriate for a hunter/scout/trapper anytime in the first quarter of the 19th century. This bag is constructed of brain tanned deerskin with the lining and the flap of antique upholstery material. The white beads are old trade beads, and the front panel is decorated with dyed porcupine quills in line quilling and zigzag methods. The bag is sewn with artificial sinew and modern dyes were used on some quills.
Robert has graciously donated this bag with its excellent craftsmanship and style to support the continued efforts of the CLA who use these funds support too promote the modern artists who make the contemporary longrifles and related accoutrements.
Contact Robert at: