Folding Knife by Scott Summerville
by Heinz Ahlers
The CLF is again privileged to present a Scott Summerville folding knife. In prior years Scott made similar stunning folders for us which commanded a lot of attention Once again, Scott is one of our repeat donors and continues to support the CLF.
The folding knife is an authentic accoutrement for the 18th and early 19th centuries. Scott’s creation is a beautiful piece in warm brown and gunmetal grey tones. A quality example of a folding knife with the best best Sheffield and Solingen work. A folding knife is perfect in the hunter’s bag. Also the folder is the perfect thing for in a Lady’s pocket for those little tasks around the farmhouse and garden. Scott Summerville has fabricated an historical-ly correct 18th century folding knife based on one in Scott’s personal collec-tion. The original came from the Michilimackinac area in Northern Michigan. The auction knife is constructed with osage orange scales from a 100 plus year old tree. Scott uses a period correct crocus finish on the metal, and an 18th century style tapered back spring. The knife has a 3 1/2 long blade and is 4 inches long closed. As I say every year, Scott’s workmanship is impressive and the finish and fit are comparable to the best late 18th and early 19th century English and German work. Scott makes and hand fits all the parts from 1095 steel and heat treats each part to the optimum temper for the function, the blade is hard, the spring flexible and the bolsters tough. This knife is traditional in style but it functions in the class of the best mod-ern custom folding knives. You can carry this knife in your Levis and have a better tool tan you can get at Bass Pro. This is in all aspects a custom folding knife with as fine a blade as you can get.
Scott lives in Southern Illinois and has made knives for 20 plus years. He enjoys studying original knives for their construction techniques and style, and then incorporating these into his work. Scott also enjoys living histo-ry, participating in several events each year. Historic accuracy is his goal and he has once again achieved that in his contribution to the 2015 CLA Fundraising auction.
We have also included pictures of his previous donations. Scott is happy to make you a custom knife.
Scott Summerville can be reached by phone at 618-547-7142, or contacted by email at